Gestionale Adozioni a Distanza (GAAD 2.0)

GAAD 2.0 is a web-based application dedicated to managing long-distance adoptions that allows the organisations in charge to optimise the processing time of all the steps of the process. The graphic interface has been designed and created according to the latest application standards to be compatible with all desktop and mobile devices.

Project details
GAAD 2.0 is a web-based management application that can be used after accessing the reserved area. It contains all the functions required for computerised management of distance adoptions. Once the personal data of the adoptee, the adopter and the internal manager (if any) have been uploaded, an adoption is generated within which the organisation can integrate all the detailed information that over time will determine a clear and structured adoption history.
Main Features


Release date

2022 - In Progress



Technologies used

Yii2 Framework, PHP, JS, Html, WordPress, Bootstrap, JQuery, CSS, MySQL, Ajax, XML

Product category

Website - Web App


Social media
Progetto successivo
